First colorwork cowl by Jared Flood review


First colorwork cowl by Jared Flood in Brooklyn Tweed
Shelter. Colors: Plume, Bale and Ember

This is the First colorwork cowl by Jared Flood in Brooklyn Tweed Shelter. I had been knitting about 4 years and that point and I made sure that I learn something new every year. So I had learned short rows, and colorworks was on my list.

This is a very easy to follow pattern, it also teaches you the basics of picking out colors, how light colors play on dark colors and vice versa. 

I have to say even though this is my first time doing colorworks, this cowl goes fast. The down side is your project is linked to 3 balls of yarn and does not travel well. So I could only knit this while I am sitting on the couch. But all in all a very good learning experience.
