Hackney cardigan by ’We are knitters’ Review

This is the Hackney cardigan by ‘We are knitters’. The color is aquamarine. It is knitted in “The meriwool” which is a thin 100% merino wool 1-ply yarn. I picked this kit because it is in the easy category. It took me about 30 hours of knitting time, including an hour and a half of sewing the pieces together.

This kit includes 7 balls of The petite wool for size large, a set of 5 mm knitting needles in wood, which I do not already have, a label that you can sew on the finished product (which said knitted by myself), and a couple sewing needles.

Cost breakdown: 7 skeins of yarn $168, the kit was $146 with the needles, $134 without the needles. So the pattern ended up costing nothing, and is cheaper to buy just the kit.

This knit and purl, purl and knit is very tiring on my right hand. It takes double the movement comparing to just knit and purl. I also could not get the tension right, so with a size large, the garment turned out quite a bit smaller than the tension in the pattern. It is very fitted on me, a size 8 US. I cannot even wear a long sleeve underneath, has to be sleeveless. It also only took 5 skeins to make plus a little bit more, so I have one whole skein left. Kind of upset since I paid extra for the extra skein.

The yarn is very soft, and I cannot help but bury my face in it quite a bit while I knit. I definitely will knit this again, but probably will knit a bit and go to another project, because my hand was so tired when I finish at the end. Will definitely wait for the color sprinkle fantasy to come back in stock.


  1. Hey! I am working on this same cardigan right now and I am having issues with the moss stitch. How do you keep track of the rows??

    1. Put a stitch marker every 4 rows, that will help u count.


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