Oromo cardigan size XL by ‘We are knitters’ review

This is the Oromo cardigan by ‘We are knitters’. The color is bubblegum. It is knitted in “The wool”,  which is a chunky 100% wool 1-ply yarn. This is my third Oromo cardigan, yes I like it that much. It took me about 10 hours of knitting time, plus an hour and a half sewing time. I decided I am going to knit in size XL again because I wanted a cardigan that looked like what the model wore that was shown on the kit. 

This kit includes 6 balls (5 for medium and small) of The wool, a set of 15 mm knitting needles in wood, which I opt out, a label that you can sew on the finished product (which said knitted by myself), and a couple sewing needles. I ordered 6 skeins to knit this piece, but ended up using only 5 and about 1/4. I had enough left on the 6th skein to make a Deja vu hat. 

Cost breakdown: 6 skeins of yarn on sale $100.80, it was 30% off. Great deal since I got a Deja vu hat too. 
