Asilomar cardigan by Amy Herzog review

Asilomar cardigan in Brooklyn Tweed Shelter
Color” Snowbound

This is the Asilomar cardigan by Amy Herzog published by Brooklyn Tweed. As much as I think Brooklyn Tweed publishes clear patterns, they are not consistent. This pattern is charted only. I had 3 years of self taught knitting experience at the time, this is the first pattern that is charted only. Well I do not know that one row reads from left to right and the next reads from right to left. So the whole lace section has mistakes. Bu the time I realized it I already had one front and the back finished.

I learned to knit watching “We are knitters” videos. I knitted over 40 of their kits, some multiple times. Somewhere in there, I knitted some from Wool and the gang. Then I moved to Brooklyn Tweed. Maybe a line of caution in there telling an intermediate beginner how to read the charts would be nice. Anyways, the lace trim still look like some lace trim. The fit is good. Maybe one day, I will knit this in a darker color and knit it right. 

This pattern calls for 8 skeins in my size (5/37) and I shorten the sleeves by an inch, and I only used 7 skeins.
