Sparkle Raglan sweater by ‘We are knitters’ review

Sparkle raglan sweater in sprinkle purple

This is the Sparkle raglan sweater by ‘We are knitters’. The color is sprinkle purple. It is knitted in “The meriwool” which is a thin 100% merino wool 1-ply yarn. I picked this kit because it is in the easy category. It took me about 15 hours of knitting time, including an hour and a half of sewing the pieces together.

This kit includes 5 balls of Meriwool for size medium, a set of 8mm knitting needles in wood, which I already have, a label that you can sew on the finished product (which said knitted by myself), and a couple sewing needles.

Cost breakdown: 5 skeins of yarn $135, the kit was $144 with the needles, $132  without the needles. So the pattern ended up costing nothing, and is cheaper to buy just the kit.

This sweater is huge, even at a medium, I can stuff a small cushion inside and still be loose. The sleeves are also very long for me, and it turned out about an inch above my wrist in my attempt to shorten them. There are increases in the sleeves, so I shorten from the cuff up.

I like meriwool a lot,  but I do not know how I am going to wash this, since they all expand during washing. My washer broke in January, and now I have a new front loader. See my post on washing meriwool.

I do not think I will make this again, the sizing is just not what I expected, although I love this color a lot.
